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Tuesday 13 April 2010

Kashmiri Proverbs

Collection of Kashmiri Proverbs starting with “A”, more to come… 
"Aen saenz kolai khodayas hava-li' "
God takes care of our handicaps.

 "Akh ti akh gae kah. "
Unity is strength.

 "Akh xotum ti' sa-s gow koeli."
To get penalized for the misdeed of others.

"Alan hindi khaera-t wanganan ti sag. "
To get indirect benefits.

"Aek sinz droekh ti' bae sund gizah "
Leftover of some could be a hearty meal for others.

 "Aez dohi' za-mut "
Being exceptionally lucky It is applicable to persons who are in right situations at the right time.

 "An manah ti' kar fana-, rachhun chhui bod gonah"
Get a mound Expend abound Sustentation is chastely unsound. A proverb in a metrical form deserves a metrical interpretation.

Ak' tsAT sum tI sa:s gov k>li One man cut the bund/barrage, and a thousand people fell into the river.

Ak' sund kAsiya:n beyi sund gIza: One person's vomit is another's food.
Someone lives on the leftovers of others.

Ak' sund daza:n a:b, tI beyi sund nI daza:n ti:l One man can burn water, whereas another cannot even burn oil.
A matter of luck.

Akis daza:n dA:r tI b'a:kh chus vushIna:v:n athI One man's beard is on fire, and another man warms his hands on it.
To take advantage of someone's misery.

Ach ongji Thukni To strike the eyes with fingers.
To tease someone.

Ach peTh nI mAch zIrna:vIn' Not to bear a fly on someone's eye.
To take good care of someone.

Ach vatshI tI ga:shI rusI May your eyes be opened but see nothing (A curse).
To turn a blind eye to something.

Achan paci ph'ur gatshun To turn one's eyes away from someone.
To forget someone's help.

AD' la:r AD' da:r Half at Lar and half at Dar.
Unmanageably scattered property or assets.
Scattered relations.

Ati: sha:h tI Ati: gada:h A king for a moment, and a beggar soon after
One's fortune can change very fast.

Ath' ba:nas kh'on tI Ath' ba:nas charun
To eat out of a vessel and then defile it.
To receive someone's hospitality and then slander him.

AdIr zAT h'uh aga:di gatshun
To stick (to something) like a wet cloth.
To be very adamant. To keep on insisting.
To pester someone.

An' sInz k>lay kh>da:yas hava:iI A blind man's wife is God's keeping.

Anim s>y, vAvIm s>y, iAjim s>y pa:nIsIy I brought the nettle, sowed the nettle, and then the nettle stung me.
To be affected by one's own deeds.

Anis mush ha:vin', na chu g>na:h tI na sava:b
To show one's fist to a blind man is neither a sin nor a virtue.
Advice is lost on stupid people.

Andraman grand karIn' To count (someone's) intestines.
To know all secrets about someone.

Ar' a:yi sA:ri: tI or gav nI ka:~h
All people came (were born) in good health, but none left (died) healthy.

A:b panun ma:sho:kh A man loves his own shortcomings.

A:shina:v gav po:shina:v A relative remains a relative, as long as relations are maintained.
You should not take relatives for granted.
aki kanI bo:zun tI beyi kanI tra:vun To let it in by one ear, and let it out from the other.
To hear but not to act.

akh asun gav madI vasun, b'a:kh asun gav kharas khasun
One kind of laugh is to come down from high horse and another to get on an ass.

akh kara:n tachI bachI, b'a:kh diva:n vachI vachI One person earns his living after working very hard, and another beats his chest (out of envy).
A person does not appreciate the efforts of others, when he is (merely) jealous.

akh gav be:chun beyi hAs'tis khAsith One is to beg, and that too riding on an elephant.
To ask for alms and also to maintain status.
Trying to be a dignified beggar.

akh go:mut yi:rI tI vi:ri manga:n Tang A drowning man asks for pears from the willow tree.
A confused person. One who doesn't know what is good for him.

akh tI akh gAyi ka:h One plus one make eleven.
In unity there is strength. Two heads are better than one.

akh buDI tI meThI, b'a:kh buDI tI TeThI
One man is old and sweet, another is old and bitter.
Some people age gracefully others go sour.

akh vakur tI beyi trakur
First, one is deformed, and second, proud too.
One problem over the other.
A pimple has grown on the ulcer.

azmo:vmut gav pathar po:vmut A person who has been tried is (as good as) prostrated (won over).

athI tshoT tI zevi z'u:Th With short hands and long tongue.
One who merely talks, but doesn't really work.

athIva:s chu mohrI sa:s Unity is equal to a thousand golden coins.

an mana: kar phana: rachun chuy boD g>na: Bring a mound and finish it. It is a great sin to save.
A spendthrift. One who does not think about tomorrow. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die.

anIhA:ren arIma:n, kAr'mit' pashe:ma:n The bachelors crave to get married, and the married ones regret why they got married.
Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

apzis koTh' kati. The lie doen't have knees to stand on.
A lie doesn't have a foot to stand on.
A lie doesn't last for long.

alIkulis tulIkul bana:vun To make a mulberry tree out of a pumpkin plant.
To make a mountain out of a mole hill.

alan hIndi da:di va:~gnan sag When pumpkins are watered, brinjals also get watered.
Some small people are often benefited when the benefit is given to the big ones.

asma:nas sI:th' buz' buz' ga:DI kheni To roast fish on sky and to eat them.
To talk big.
To think too much of oneself.

a:gI kara:n ne:thIr tI parzun nI ma:na:n The master gets married, but the servant does not accept it.
How does it matter if reality is ignored?

a:bas andar krAnD A basket in water.
To thrive under patronage.

a:men Ta:ken ti:l phe:run To pour oil in raw clay pots.
To waste one's efforts on a naive person.

a:rIm' kAd nI muj, tI pheki:ran do:rus halam The gardener had not yet dug out the radish, when the beggar held the
alms-bowl in front of him.
To ask for the chicken before it is hatched.

a:li ditso:n ta:li ga'v, z>vi korun l'av tI l'av Ali greased his head with ghee, but the lice licked it up.
Money in the hands of a spendthrift.

a:v tI s>nIsund tI gav tI ga:suv If it comes, it is golden; if it doesn't, it was made of grass.
Welcome an opportunity as it comes, call it a trifle if it doesn't.
Neutral  attitude.

Ada'-y mael hean
To get unnecessarily involved in squirmishes.

a:sun chu hechIna:va:n na a:sun chu mandIcha:va:n Prosperity teaches one, and poverty puts one to shame.
Prosperity improves one's personality, adversity cripples it.

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