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Thursday 22 April 2010

Kashmiri Proverbs (B)

 Buthis rab muthni' yin
To lose self esteem, or honor in a society, as a result of some gross misdeed. (This is especially applicable to a gentle and well respected person who is not the actual offender but the shame reflects on him due to social, cultural or a moral anomaly committed by any family member or a close relative.)
bA:tsan yi:za: tI p>tlen pu:za: The members of the family are in distress, but the idols are worshipped.
To ignore one's family and to worship stone idols.
baji kani talIy cha l>kIT kAn' vepa:n
A small stone can be hidden under a big one.
batI gardan gAyi bAD gardan. The path to heart lies through one's stomach.
batI natI bata:s, chiTh naTI atla:s A poor man with rich desires.
If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
bandI chu bashar To err is human.
bandIy chu be:sabar A human being is quite impatient.
babI buDtam tI khIdmatha: kartam O father, grow old and serve me.
When youngsters expect their elders to serve them.
bi:mI ros shur gav la:kmi ros gur The child who is not afraid of anyone is like a horse without a bridle.
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
beka:ras chi tre ka:r An idle person has three tasks: sleeping, eating and quarreling.
beyi sund do:d chuy be:ma:ne:
yas Akis bAnith a:v suy za:ne:

Another person's pain is meaningless. He only knows who suffers.
Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.
boch gatshi nI n'un va:zIva:n, tI non gatshi nI n'un baza:zi va:n The hungry should not be taken to a feast, and a naked person should not be taken to a cloth shop.
It is difficult to control desire of someone who is in great need.
bro:r vuchith gatshi bishtI pho:run On seeing a cat, one should be able to utter bishtI (for driving it away).
One must be courageous enough to show displeasure in presence of the person concerned, and not in his absence.

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