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Sunday 7 March 2010

Indian Greatness, M.F. Hussain and Kashmiri Dogs.

I was watching news on an Indian news channel. I usually watch news on Indian media just to keep myself aware about the happenings in India and to know about the Indian perspective of events and happenings. Although Indian media's point of veiw is always grossly biased and subservient to the so called Indian national interests, which are always hegemonistic, camaflougistic, boastful about God knows what, anti- Kashmir and last but not least anti-Pakistan. 
When recently I was in Bombay, I found many Muslims of Bombay read Samna, official mouthpiece rubbish of Shiv Sena. When I asked them why they read an anti - Muslim paper, they answered, "it enlightens us with a resolve to fight it out with them". By reading Samna, Muslims of Bombay acquaint themselves with the Sick Sena mindset. They get informed about the cookings in the minds of Hindu facists. I got my lesson and I started to watch and read every possible Indian media for my personal self interest. And that my personal self interest is nothing but to seek Freedom.Freedom from everything Indian and Freedom from those who have deprived my nation of self respect, dignified living, national identity and free atmosphere. Coming back to the news on Indian TV, I was amazed to know that in Rajasthan, Hindu couples give birth to female babies only to receive an incentive of Rs. 1800 per female child and then after recieving the money, female infants are murdered to get rid of the bad omen which many Hindus in India consider females to be. This practice of recieving money for female child and then getting rid of that child is becoming more and more popular by every passing day. The scheme of provinding Rs. 1800 as bonus to couples who give birth to female infants was introduced by Government of India under immense pressure from UNESCO and other world bodies to help curb the barbaric menace of female infanticides which are uncontrolled and common in India. This news is not such a big shock to hear as India is home to these kinds of inhuman and savage acts. We are habitual of hearing to such distressing and atrocious news items regularly on Indian media. Sati, Dain (wich hunt, in which women are beaten to death), Child sacrifice, Devdassi Pratha (Priestly Prostitution) infant marriages and many other horrifying pracitices are a common place in modern India. While watching that news my mind bewildered, "Is this the India the great and shining which its lunatic leadership and biased media is very proud of". And then I realised what an uncivilised and heartless enemy we Kashmiris are dealing with. We are fighting for our Freedom not with a civilised nation but with mindless barbarians and heartless beasts, who derive sadistic pleasure out of human misery. Those who can kill their own children for merely Rs.1800 can wreack havoc on us for even few bucks less. It is really a high time to stop weeping at every attrocity Indian beasts unleash on Kashmiri nation. Our weeping and mourning brings cheer to their dark faces. We need to deprive them of that cheer and pleasure. We should do something different and equally painful to them. Let them also cry and moan. We need to make their stay in Kashmir a hell of an experience.  I kept on watching the news and the next news item was about M. F. Hussain the painter. At the age of 95, this old and frail man vehemently shuns India and everything Indian in him. He was tired of showcasing and exhibiting his Indian patriotism again and again to Hindus of "Secular" India. He was not allowed to breathe freely in "Secular" India. His life was at stake and his wings were being clipped. He did what was best for him, atleast he got a last chance to mend his fate.
I now think about that faithful Indian Kashmiri dog Farooq Abdullah and other pedigree puppies of his breed. Will they at all get any chance to mend their fates? 
I believe No they won’t get any chance. They have already exhausted that chance a long back.  Let these pet dogs prove their loyalties towards India and her people, every day in and day out, till they all die one by one like dirty stray hungry dogs. Who cares!

[Courtesy KashmirCentre Blog]

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