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Thursday 18 February 2016

Just because I differ with their Kashmir policy, Pakistan cannot curb my rights, Dr Shabir Choudhry

Just because I differ with their Kashmir policy, Pakistan cannot curb my rights
Dr Shabir Choudhry London 18 February 2016

Kashmir National Party leader, writer, political analyst and TV anchor Dr Shabir Choudhry has ‘strongly opposed Pakistan’s Kashmir policy; and in this regard Pakistan’s attempt to muzzle Kashmiri nationalists’.

Dr Shabir Choudhry said, ‘Just because, I disagree Pakistan’s Kashmir policy and promote a pro Kashmir and pro people policy, Pakistan, in retaliation has blocked my Identity Card, which means denying me my fundamental rights, including a right to travel to my homeland and meet my relatives, right to inheritance, right to banking, right to own or sell a property and many more rights’.

‘No matter what the consequences are, my struggle for united and independent Jammu and Kashmir with democratic and tolerant society will continue’, declared Dr Shabir Choudhry.

I filed an application for renewal of my Identity Card in June 2015; and despite repeated written enquiries and Urgent Appeal from Asian Human Rights Commission and letters to various Pakistani government officials, they have not even replied, or given a rationale of blocking my Card.

After waiting more than 9 months, I am left with no option but to take a legal action against the concerned department and individuals. In this regard I have had lengthy discussions with my attorney and have instructed him to file a case on my behalf.

Dr Shabir Choudhry said, ‘Identity Card is not a matter of life and death for me, but it was a matter of principle. My struggle and that of my colleagues is not against any State. Our struggle is for unification and independence of our forcibly divided State of Jammu and Kashmir, and fundamental rights of the oppressed people’.

In this regard, Abbas Butt, Chairman of Kashmir National Party said, ‘Our struggle is peaceful and for fundamental rights of the oppressed people of Jammu and Kashmir. On issue of the Dr Shabir Choudhry’s Identity Card we will take a legal action that the authorities do not harass and intimidate people of Kashmir under the administrative control of Pakistan.’

‘Also we will strongly protest and campaign against violation of State Subject laws in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan; and demand from the Pakistani authorities not to treat us as second class citizens and conquered people’, declared Abbas Butt.
Issued by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Tel: +44 (0) 7790 942471
Email: Drshabirchoudhry@gmail.com

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