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Sunday 1 November 2015

New syllabus of Kashmiri nationalists, Dr Shabir Choudhry

New syllabus of Kashmiri nationalists, Dr Shabir Choudhry
We agree that Pakistanis:
1. Violated Standstill Agreement which they had with Kashmir;

2. Attacked Jammu and Kashmir with intention to occupy it;

3. Killed innocent and unarmed Kashmiri men and women;

4. Kidnapped Kashmir women, and sold them in towns of Pakistan;

5. Raped Kashmiri women to satisfy their lust;

6. Looted and plundered our motherland;

7. Established a puppet government in its occupied area to advance its agenda;

8. Created a situation which forced the Ruler of Jammu and Kashmir to seek help from India, and subsequent provisional accession;

9. Imposed a war that ensured forced division of our motherland;

10. Ensured that Kashmiris cannot represent their case in the UN or in any other international forum;

11. Requested a change in the UN resolution on Kashmir that people of Jammu and Kashmir cannot become independent, and all they have is a right of accession either to India or Pakistan;

12. Ensured that there is no solution to the Kashmir dispute, and refused to withdraw troops out of Jammu and Kashmir territories as demanded by the UNCIP Resolution on 13 August 1948;

13. Launched a military expedition in areas of Poonch to teach a lesson to people who opposed Pakistan’s interference in matters of Azad Kashmir;

14. Ensured that people of so called Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan could not interact or socialise with each other and have better understanding;

15. Furthermore, they ensured that people of both regions are denied of their fundamental rights;

16. Signed Tashkent and Simla agreements to ensure that Kashmir dispute remains bilateral dispute where people of Jammu and Kashmir have no role in determining the future of our motherland;

17. Communalised the Kashmiri rights struggle by injecting religious hatred and intolerance;

18. Established and promoted their proxies in all regions of Jammu and Kashmir to ensure that the Pakistani interests are served in the region;

19. Planned and started a proxy war in the Valley of Kashmir to create divisions among the people of Kashmir, and make the struggle Hindu verses Muslims to justisfy establishment of Pakistan;

20. Ensured that people of Jammu and Kashmir remain divided on religious, cultural and ethnic lines, and that there is no solution to the dispute;

21. Ensured that people of so called Azad Kashmir remain under the strict control of GCO Muree and Lent Officers of Pakistan;

22. Imprisoned people in Gilgit Baltistan under sedition charges to ensure that no one dares to speak for independence, and criticise Pakistani imperialism in Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir;

23. Imposed heavy sentences on political and human rights activists like Baba Jan to deter others;

24. Ban books and castigate writers who criticise Pakistani designs on Jammu and Kashmir;

25. Ban Maps and sack those who print maps of Jammu and Kashmir state showing exactly which areas is occupied by which country;

26. Close shops which publish or sell books on Kashmir history;

Despite all these and many other misdeeds left out, we will not demonstrate against Pakistani Prime Ministers when they visit Britain.

Furthermore, we will not demonstrate when the Pakistan army Chief visits Britain.
Moreover, we will not demonstrate when Chinese President visits Britain, even though China also occupies Jammu and Kashmir territory.

However, we will demonstrate against Indian Prime Minister. Other parties are doing it and we don’t do it we could be castigated for siding with India.

Despite all this, we expect the world community and people of India and non Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir to believe that our struggle is against all three countries; and that we are true nationalists and our struggles is based on secular ideals.

Writer is a political analyst, TV anchor and author of many books and booklets. Also he is Director Institute of Kashmir Affairs. Email:drshabirchoudhry@gmail.com

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