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Friday 14 December 2012


               KHILAFAT MOVEMENT

At the beginning of 1st world war (1914) seat of Khilafat was held by Turkey (Ottoman Empire). In
the frist world war, the Turks had fought on the side of the Germany and Austrian
 Empire agaisnst Britain, France and Russia. British wanted Indian Muslims to fight in the
war against the Turks, but they knew that British would respect the rights of the Khalifa and
Turkish Empire would be maintained. As a result of this promise thousands of Muslims joined the
British Army.Turkish side defeated at the end of the war. Muslims all over the world were concerned with how Turkey would be treated. Istanbul had been the home of Caliphate and the Turkish Sultan was
recognized as the Khalifa or caliph. The Allies hpoed to destroy the Ottoman Empire by
encouraging, Turkey to become a nation rather than an empire. The treaty Of Versailles set out to
divide Germany into two parts.

KHILAFAT COMMITTEE:The Muslims of India decided to launch a movement for the
safeguard of the institution of Caliphate and to manifesttheir resentment over actions the Allies had
taken in Turkey. A “Khilafat Committee” was set up in 1919 toconduct and to organize the Khilfat
movement with Maulana Shaukat Ali as its General Secretary. Congress also supported this
movement under Abdul Kalam Azad. This movement was launched to pressurize the British into
keeping their promises.
In Novemeber 1919 the 1st Khilafat Conference was held in Delhi. Gandhi was also present at the
Conference. A resolution was alos passed asking the muslims as religious duty to adopt the policy
of non-cooperation with the British.
In December 1919 the 2nd Khilafat Conference was held in Amri tsar. At the same time both
Congress and muslims League were also meeting the city. It was agreed that all three organizations
should work together to oppose plans to dismember the Turkishempire.
Khilafat Delegation: The khilafat delegation left for England in march 1919 under the leadership of
Maulana Mohammed Ali Johar and met the Prime Minister Lloyd George. The Prime minster
refused to accept any arguments extended by the Khilafat Delegation and it failed without
achieving its purpose. While the delegation was still in Europe the terms of the treaty of Severs
with turkey was reduced only to Turkish orgin area. Allied divided the non-Turkish part of Ottoman Empire
among themselves
Non-Cooperation Movement : In August 1920 a full scale Non-Cooperation Movement was
launched in with the collaboration with Gandhi.Gandhi came forward with their full support for the movement. Indians were asked to give up Government. Services, renounce title and boycott courts
of law and British goods, walk out of schools and colleges. Gandhi assured the people that if this
movement would be in a united, disciplined and non-violent fashion, they would attain “Swaraj or
Self-Rule” with in a year. The Khilafat and Non-Cooperation Movement took the shape of mass
movement. This was the most serious political threat that the British faced after the War of
independence 1857. Hindu-Muslim unity was at its height.
The congress cleverly decided to use Muslim agitation to press the British for the further
concession on self-rule and to show the Muslims that the hindu Muslims unity was beneficial.
Quaid-e-Azam was not in favour of Gandhi’s non-cooperation program because he thought that it
might be violent, so he reisgned from Congress in 1920.

HIJRAT MOVEMENT : It was a by-product of Khilafat Movement. In 1920 Abdul Kalam Azad
and Maulana Abdul Bari gave a call for Hijrat Movement and urged the muslims to migrate to a
place where they can freely pratice their religion,they called India as ‘dar-ul-Harb’. Nearly 18000
muslims mostly from Sind, NWFP and Punjab after selling their land and properties, migrated to
Afghanistan. The Afghan Government welcomed them in the beginning but afterwards refuse to
accept them. Many people perished in the way and those who returned back to India to find them
homeless and doomed forever. As a result of this all muslims became backward in all fields of life.
This migration to Afghanistan is known as the, “Hijrat Movement” in the history of India. 
CHAURA CHAURI INCIDENT:The non-cooperation movement was leading to violence and
losing its momentum. In Feb. 1922 at Chaura Chauri in a village near UP a trouble erupted between
the police and the demonstrating procession. The hostile  mob set fire to the police station where
22policemen were burnt alive. Gandhi was so upset that he immediately and unilaterally called of
non-cooperation movement doing great deal of damage to the entire Khilafat Movement.


* The non-violence, non-cooperative movement turned intoviolence. After the Chaura Chauri
incident in feburary 1922, Gandhi himself called of the Non-Cooperation movement which caused
a sever blow to the Khilafat Movement.
* Gandhi and other muslim’s leader of the movement were arrested in 1922 with the arrest of
leaders the movement lost its momentum.\
* Although the Khilafat Movement was the first movementin which Hindus and Muslims worked
together, their unity was probably always doomed to failure.The Hindu aim for self rule was not
really an objective of the muslims and Hindus were prepared to support the Muslims in protecting
their religious right only as long as it helped move India towards the self-rule.
* Hijrat Movement at critical stage was another blow for Muslims. Hijrat to Afghanistan where the
Muslims were shocked by the lack of support from the Afghangovernement.
* On 3rd March 1924 the final and deadly blow was struck at the Khilafat movement by Mustafa
Kamal Ata Turk Pasha who exiled Khalifa, Muhammad Vl and abolished Khilafat and established
nationalist governement of Turkey.ss?

June 2009:
b) Explain the reasons for the failure of the Khilafat Movement?
June 2006:
b) Explain why the Khilafat Movement had failed by 1924?
Nov 2008:
c) ‘The Khilafat Movement failed by 1924 of poor leadership.’ Do you agree? Give reasons
for your answer?

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