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Thursday 1 March 2012

Deteriorating situation in Gilgit Baltistan, Abdul Hamid Khan, Chairman, Chairman Balawaristan National Front.

Deteriorating situation in Gilgit Baltistan, Abdul Hamid Khan, Chairman, Chairman Balawaristan National Front.

The situation in Gilgit Baltistan is deteriorated, when about 20 Pakistani Army uniform terrorist killed 19 innocent people in Harban Kohistan Diamar border on 28th Feb. 2012 after carefully checking their ID Cards issued by Pakistan. These ID Cards issued by government of Pakistan do not give us rights but death. This is Z.A. Bhutto's gift started in 1971 to divide the people on Shia Sooni line, when the pople had broken Jail to free their leaders. I think both PPP government and Military is involved , so the people are not united. Three main reasons for PPP to divide the people,
1. The people of Yasen had started serious protest against the increase of wheat which was supported by both Shia and Sooni religious leaders of Gilgit.

2. The so-called Zardari empowerment package of 2009 was exposed in Supreme Court of Pakistan.

3. Both Shia religious leader Agha Rahat Hussain and Sonni leader Qazi Nisar came close to unity. These unity trends by the people was not acceptable to Bhuttos PPP. Now some hardliner parties and pro-agencies people are blaming USA, Israel and India, which is their old strategy to give safe passage to their own terrorists. Now its the duty of Pakistan Army to arrest and present these terrorists if they do not belong to Army. If USA, Israel or India is involved, what some people say, then why the government and agencies do not ask them to present any proof, so the foreign killers are caught. But we are well aware that Pakistani occupation regime has been providing safe passage to those culprits who kill any Gilgiti or Balti.

This time also we don't expect any punishment to the terrorists, because some agency people have started to blame this killing to foreign agencies, so the real culprits are freed to kill more and more people with full impunity. But we demand that the killers should be exposed to the Gilgit Baltistan people in front of the eye witnesse and then let them go, because we don’t expect any punishment, because of our experience since 1971.
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