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Gilgit-Baltistan becomes hell of military & intelligence games

July 18, 2011

Gilgit-Baltistan becomes hell of military & intelligence games

* Military-mindset infiltrates into academia, religions & everything
* I do not believe in the inference of Talibanization in Ismailism

By the Khan of Yasin

This is my personal opinion. I am educated enough not say 'a crap to an opinion' as other people have said in the comments section of: Cyber Age challenges & Ismaili Muslims.

I do not believe in the inference of Talibanization in Ismailism. But, look, you can take a person out of a military, but you cannot take a military out of a person.

Since, 85 percent of people in Gilgit-Baltistan is directly or indirectly associated with the Pakistan Army, you cannot reject the idea of military-mindset infiltration into academia, institutions, religions or anything else.

In a society where careers are built and broken, based on association, fake PhD could be possible too. Be honest, if in Gilgit-Baltistan someone has a good source in ISI, don't you see the cockiness and boldness in him? If yes, than ISI can mold, modify or alter things, even the gigantic ones.

So far as, the cross-cultural marriages are concerned, they need a conducive environment or pluralistic societies. You cannot talk about healthy cross-cultural marriages and trends of Talibanization at the same time as it would be just a fallacy of self-negation.

Obviously, Sunnis would not like their daughters go into westernized Ismaili families. Or Ismailis would not like their daughters go into Taliban sanctuaries and that would be a catalyst for honor-killings and other social evils.

But no matter how hard you try to ignore, Gilgit-Baltistan has become a hell of Military and Intelligence games. Few years back, hardly any one knew what is ISI in Ghizar or in Yasin. Now, you flip a pebble, the emboldened ISI agent would pop up. I do not know, why.

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Posted By Webmaster to THE TERRORLAND at 7/18/2011 05:45:00 AM
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