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Thursday 13 May 2010

Kids feel the heat after Dr. Shah Faesal feat

Sometimes wonders have side-effects – Oscar Wilde ©
Congratulatory messages for Dr. Shah Faesal, hailing from remote district of Kupwara, who recently topped Indian Civil Services Exams, are taking most of the space in daily newspapers. Almost half of the pages are filled with them, hailing him for securing the first position. Some regard him as a messiah, giving him more respect than the inventor of sex. That comparison may be inappropriate, but it is well suited. His smiling face appearing on the pages of newspapers is said to be the cause of depression in many bucchas and bucchies.
Even Kashir channel has been interviewing him, the interviewer, a girl with a big fake smile, definitely lacking any sense of distinction between IAS and sex. “Aap ko kaisa mehsoos ho raha hai”, I felt the latter when she asked him how did he feel. Then gathering every neighbour and relative she began asking her series of badly formulated questionnaire, keeping her smile intact.  
Now my point of writing this post has been the effect this achievement of Dr. Shah Faesal on bacchas and bucchies, aged between 6 months and 25 years. “tse togui na kaheeni, tse chui wain IAS kaarun, engineering/ doktaari patie”, parents have changed their dialogues “You have to qualify IAS after you become a doctor/engineer” from the routine “You have to become a doctor/engineer”. The bacchas and bucchies are terribly confused, “#@&$3, aiem laeg taavnas” said a buccha while referring to daily nagging by his parents, who now want him to go for IAS.
Some sections have taken this feat in a different perspective “Faesalan hoev hindustanus Kashir kam bhalae gaey” loosely translated as “Faesal showed India the worth of Kashmiri’s”. Every navuid and every kandur is discussing Faesal, you might have noticed this if you had been for a hair cut lately or wake up early in the morning to buy Tsut.
The perception is deep among Kashmiri civil servants who have over the years seen how non-State subject bureaucrats work in the State. They perceive them as biased and having myopic view of things.  These Kashmiri civil servants whether retired or serving, worked hard to motivate Kashmiri youth to compete in the competitive examinations. They made them believe that even in the given “adverse administrative atmosphere,” they can make it beacuse of their sheer talent. Shah Feasal topped the list and broke all myths about the incompetence of Kashmiri Muslim. It was message that Kashmiris can’t be pushed around. Showkat Parray rose from humble background and qualified the IAS. Thus proved that intelligence is not domain of any clan. The reaction in Kashmir particularly among the top officers to the UPSC results was overwhelming. They were happy. 
There are reasons for it. First and foremost reason is Muslim presence in the State administration would continue even though it is meager. The second reason was it would prompt youth of Kashmir to compete in the exams and thus increase the number of Muslim in the administration which is dwindling.
Come Kids you can do it.
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